Meet the Board: Steve Corona
Q: What is your name, occupation and how long have you volunteered to serve on the St. Joe Foundation Board?
My name is Steve Corona, I’m the Executive Director of Latinos Count and I’ve been a St. Joe Foundation board member since 2019.
Q: What inspires you about the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ and their Foundress Saint Katharina? Are there particular values or works that you find especially important?
I am in awe of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ and other orders, too. Most Sisters came to this country and created hospitals and schools in the middle of nowhere, rural communities or small towns. They remain good stewards committed to serving those that are most in need.
Q: Please share a memorable interaction you have had with a grantee and their staff/clients.
Last year, Latinos Count was awarded $4,950 to assist undocumented Latino youth. The federal program known as DACA—Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals—provides temporary immunity from deportation provided that youth register every two years. However, the fee is $495 and is a hardship for most families. Funds from the Foundation allowed Latinos Count to split the cost and the youth who were served were very, very grateful.
Q: What do you enjoy most about serving on the St. Joe Foundation Board?
It is the level of rigor that staff and board put forward with respect to understanding the financial requests of our partner agencies and organizations. This review includes program reports and field visits.
Q: Tell us about an accomplishment in your professional or private life that you are proud of.
I am most proud of my 41 years of service on the Fort Wayne school board. My most cherished award came in 2015 when I was named recipient of the Father Tom O’Connor Light of Christ award. It was presented to me by Bishop Rhoades. In his remarks, Bishop Rhoades spoke of Pope Francis’ encouragement to serve the poor. “Steve is a great witness to that message,” said the Bishop.
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