2014 Rosenberger Awardee Andy Wilson
Raymond Rosenberger – Minette Baum 2014 Awardee Andy Wilson
To be considered for this award, the nominee shall have performed diligent and faithful service for an Exempt Charitable Organization which is organized and operated to (I) alleviate human suffering or enhance the quality of life of persons afflicted with illness or injury, or (II) promote wellness through prevention of illness, disease or injury so that they are advancing the mission of the St. Joseph Community Health Foundation and the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ.
Andy Wilson has committed his life’s work to making the world a better place for those suffering from chronic mental illness, a group too often stigmatized in our communities. He serves as the executive director of The Carriage House, which uses the evidence-based Clubhouse Model recovery program, a non-traditional approach where members work side by side with staff on meaningful activities to build confidence and skills to reclaim their lives. His strong belief in the dignity of each person and the importance of their personal journey is apparent in any brief stroll with him through Carriage House. In the words of Carriage House Board President, Patsy Dumas, who counts knowing Wilson as a major blessing in her life, “He is such a kind and caring person to everyone he meets.” His warm responses and introductions put everyone at ease and a guest never knows the difference between a new “member” and long-time staff. Each person matters. And this goes for each of the 400 members served annually.
The Clubhouse programs are the gold standard of treatment for mental illness, assisting the most chronic participants to live and work in the community – independently and with dignity. Thanks to Wilson’s innovative leadership, The Carriage House has survived a major state funding crisis, and he made an indelible mark on mental health social policy in Indiana as the founder of the Indiana Clubhouse Coalition. His influence extends beyond the boundaries of Fort Wayne, Indiana, as a member of the Clubhouse International Faculty and the Clubhouse International Advisory Board, both of which guide global efforts of the Clubhouse Programs. Furthermore, the construction of Chad’s Guesthouse and Teaching Center, a $500,000 facility at The Carriage House used to train professionals and consumers interested in developing Clubhouse programs in their communities, will allow many more people suffering from mental illness across the country to experience the blessings of treatment at a Clubhouse program.
Andy Wilson is the St. Joseph Community Health Foundation’s 2014 Minette Baum recipient because of his compassion and tireless devotion to helping those suffering from mental illness and his belief that everyone deserves a chance at getting their life back with a clubhouse rehabilitation program that really works.
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