SJCHF Stands with PRC.
Story originally published in the Northeast Indiana Positive Resource Connection Newsletter, Spring 2020
For the past 18 years, the Positive Resource Connection (PRC) has developed a close relationship with the St. Joseph Community Health Foundation, receiving nearly $300,000 in grants towards client services, general operations, and testing. The foundation’s executive director, Meg Distler, has been a personal ally to our agency since we connected in 2002. While the mission of the PRC can be perceived as sensitive subject matter, or even risqué to some, the St. Joseph Community Health Foundation (SJCHF) has never had any qualms about supporting us. As Meg explained, the PRC’s community fits within one of the foundation’s four main focus areas: at-risk populations (the other three being prenatal and infant care, refugees and immigrants, and food access). Outside of the focus areas, SJCHF’s decision to support the PRC came down to dignity.
“One of the things that PRC has done really well, they have always respected the dignity of the individuals over the years who are suffering with HIV/AIDS,” said Meg Distler. “Not only do they help [their clients] access resources, but they help them achieve hope in their lives.” The dignity and hope that Meg praised PRC for is why SJCHF has never had any challenge or concern with the nature of our agency.
Back in 2002, SJCHF was investing in PRC’s emergency services for clients, access to food banks, health insurance and medication, rent and other specific resources for those who were struggling. Today their backing has shifted into more general operational support and testing since there are fortunately not as many people in crisis.
Meg Distler has been executive director of SJCHF since 1998, but has worked and volunteered within the St. Joseph community even longer. Her sincere passion for helping vulnerable people build better lives fits perfectly within the ideals of the foundation she directs. “It’s wonderful to have and opportunity to invest in groups who are making a difference in the community like PRC.”
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